Divorce Counseling

Everyone  agrees that separation and divorce is a difficult and trying time for all family members.  Fortunately there has been quite a lot of research in the field of psychology over the past 30 years on the topic of divorce that has yielded much information and insight into the effects of divorce on families. Research has focused especially on children and teenagers.  The good news is that there are many ways to prevent unnecessary trauma and help all family members cope more effectively with the effects of separation and divorce.


I have many years of experience in working with adults, families and children through separation and divorce.  I always recommend that anyone who is thinking of changing their life reach out for an individual consultation before taking the first steps toward separation.  Working with someone who has education, training and experience is always advisable.  I would urge you to contact me with your questions about how my experience and skills can help you and your family through this difficult time.

Divorce Services

Child Custody Mediation
For over 30 years I have worked with divorcing or separating parents to help them create equitable and mutually satisfying time-sharing arrangements for their children.  Separation and divorce is most always a difficult time for the entire family, but especially children.  All parents are interested in minimizing the hardship and damage that the split-up of a family can cause children.  Utilizing years of experience in working with families gives me a distinct advantage when assisting parents in making the life-changing decisions involved with their child custody agreement.
My approach to child custody mediation takes into account the age of the children, the years of research in the field into the effects of divorce on families (but especially children) and the children’s individual temperaments, all of which could have a bearing on the parent’s final decisions regarding their child custody agreement.  All agreements are drafted as memorandums of understanding (MoU) and written in language that is appropriate and accepted by the Family Court.  After review by both parent’s attorneys or paralegal counsel and then signed by each parent, the final agreement can be submitted as the parent’s official Child Custody Agreement.  Also all agreements are imminently modifiable by mutual consent of the parents so as to allow for the various changes that will probably need to occur over the life of the document.
Blended Family Counseling
Do you want your new relationship or marriage to be successful if one or both of you have children from a prior relationship?

If so, then the Blended Family Counseling is highly recommend.  Blended families (families that involve children from prior relationships/marriages) are considered to be the most complex form of modern family life.  As the result many second or third marriages fail due to the pressures put upon the new relationship by the dynamics involved with the prior family.  Much research has been done in the profession that helps shed light on ways to protect blended families.

Collaborative Law
Collaborative Law and Collaborative Practice are voluntary dispute resolution processes in which parties settle without having to resort to litigation.  Collaborative Practice is usually an inter-disciplinary approach which seeks to assist clients by providing individual representation utilizing well-trained attorneys, mental health and financial professionals, all of which help to promote and maintain an atmosphere of safety and respect.  Clients experience the benefits to this team approach to divorce or separation both during, but especially after its conclusion, as couples and their families achieve a “softer landing” to their settlement process.

I am a trained Collaborative Practice Communications Coach and  Child Specialist and have had extensive experience representing clients through the Collaborative Divorce process.  As a coach I offer emotional support and useful instruction about how to effectively participate in the Collaborative process.  As a child specialist I can advise parents of their children’s experience and help give them a voice.

Besides specific training in the Collaborative process I am also very familiar with the effects of separation and divorce on families, but especially children.  An experienced Communications Coach and Child Specialist can often make some crucial differences in the outcome of any Collaborative divorce.  For more information and answers to common questions about the Collaborative Practice I would urge those interested to visit the Collaborative Law website.

Coparent Counseling
This type of brief counseling helps those parents who seem to have difficulties adjusting to their new role as coparents in developing the necessary business-like relationship required to continue their parental responsibilities to their children.  This work involves;
  1. Helping parents achieve a necessary emotional separation from each other.
  2. Teaching parents new respectful patterns of communication.
  3. Helping parents set effective boundaries and limits with each other.
  4. Teaching parents how to create and maintain agreements.
  5. Assist parents in resolving any outstanding problems with their current custody agreement.
  6. Teaching parents how to effectively identify and resolve ongoing behavioral or developmental problems they are having with their children.
Coparent counseling is highly recommended for all separating or divorcing parents as it helps them become oriented regarding how best to help their children and themselves through the process of adjusting to the new family configuration.  Often, in as little as a few sessions, parents learn how to avoid familiar pitfalls that are unfortunately all too common to many separating households. For more information I would urge you to read my article, Making Divorce Better for Children .

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